OUT NOW.... Digital double A side single!

Digital double A side single. Mmmmm,…
Überall wo ihr eure digitale Musiksucht geregelt bekommt…

Für alle non-Spotify / Apple Music / Deezer kids, hier der Soundcloud link zu Mary’s Prayer…

Out NOW Two classic songs for the price of,.. ah, nothing really. Open up your digital device of choice and submerge yourself in these wonderful tunes of yesteryear. ‘Mary’s Prayer’ is a song off 1987’s Danny Wilson debut album. A true gem. And you all know how much I love ‘the Lovin’ Spoonful’, so there’s ‘You Didn’t Have To Be So Nice’ from way back in 1967 as well. Ah,.. the sounds, the stories, the grooves.
Enjoy the summer. I’ll be back with more shortly.

2022 Dirk Darmstaedter